3 Ways to Manage Sales and Growth for Long Term Success

Have you ever had the experience where sales and growth were either happening way too fast or not fast enough?  The success of both requires management on the part of the owner and his or her management team.  The size of the business will determine what the division of labor is for these management tasks….

5 Things to Know About Cash Basis vs Accrual Basis Financials

When you first start your business and begin recording business transactions, you must decide whether to use cash basis or accrual basis accounting.  The big difference is in how you record your cash transactions.  Many people use cash basis accounting for taxes and accrual basis for managing the business.  Here are 5 things you must…

3 Red Flag Phrases You Don’t Want to Hear From Your Bank

Bankerese is a language understood by bankers, but is a foreign language to most business owners.  Communication is happening, but the business owner doesn’t understand what’s being said or the implications it has for his or her business.  Often, we step in and interpret.  Here are three of the most important ones to know:

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