A Profitability Coach or a Part-Time CFO: What’s the Difference?
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A Profitability Coach or a Part-Time CFO: What’s the Difference?

Business owners often struggle with financial management, making external help crucial. Two common options are hiring a part-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or a business profitability coach. Here are the top five differences between the two:  Why Hiring a Business Profitability Coach Might Be Better:  Hiring a business profitability coach can be advantageous for several…

ProfitSense Episode 44: Beth Miller, Executive Velocity & Eric Handler, Handler

ProfitSense Episode 44: Beth Miller, Executive Velocity & Eric Handler, Handler

On this episode of ProfitSense, host Bill McDermott welcomed Beth Miller, President and Founder of Executive Velocity, and Eric Handler, CEO of Handler. Beth discussed how Executive Velocity develops leaders, the challenges of succession planning, coaching as a care leadership skill, and much more. Eric talked about Handler’s uniqueness in the market, its values and purpose, its…

What Would Rockefeller Do?
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What Would Rockefeller Do?

Every business owner has a big vision for their company and wants to make it happen. However, most don’t follow a unified strategy to get there. Leaders often have trouble pulling the trigger on spending money on people or new strategies because they don’t understand what their numbers are telling them.     Many business owners haven’t…

Are You Under-Banked?
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Are You Under-Banked?

Are you under-banked? If so, you’re not alone. A recent article I read indicated that among CFO’s, being under-banked has landed on the growing list of challenges most CFO’s face. Here’s why:  A recent report stated that the financial landscape for small to medium sized businesses (SMB’s) has changed significantly.  Credit markets have become increasingly biased toward bigger…

3 Critical Items to Achieve a Successful Company Vision

Sometime ago I read an article about Pete Maravich, former LSU and NBA basketball player and what made him so successful. When asked that question by the sportswriter, he answered “before I take the shot, I can’t see myself missing.” While it would be easy to interpret that comment as arrogant, the article stated that what he…

5 Steps to Prepare for Selling Your Business

You’re busy running your business and all of a sudden you get a phone call from a potential suitor that is interested in buying your business. You’re flattered, intrigued, you might even consider selling.  But what’s the value of your business? How do you structure the sale? What’s going to be your tax liability? What’s…

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